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Shopping Cart Wholesale Pricing

Selling Wholesale

The shopping cart supports retail and wholesale pricing. Wholesalers can login and get discounted pricing using the same shopping cart and database.

To allow anyone to use discount pricing as a wholesaler you will need to create an account in the wholesale section of the shopping cart management page. Then add the wholesale login form at a page using the inclusion code %%include-wholesalelogin%%

When the user logs in to the wholesaler account all of the wholesale prices will be displayed on the items in the shopping cart. The checkout will calculate the wholesale prices and process the order normaly with the discounted rate.

Adding Wholesale Pricing

To add wholesale prices to items you will need to add a wholesale field to the add and modify items pages.

From the main shopping cart management page under Product Options you will select to add a wholesale price field to the database.

As you add or modify the items you will have a field for the wholesale price. That will be the price charged to wholesale accounts.

If you set a discount percentage in the wholesalers account settings the wholesale price will be the retail price less the percentage discount. The discount lets you offer different rates for different wholesale accounts.

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