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Building Dynamic Templates

In building template basics we showed how to insert the main content replacement string in your design. But our system is much more powerful than that. There are bunch of replacement strings that can be used to allow website owners contol over backgrounds, colors and other elements of the design.

Below we look at a basic layout, with a menu area on the left of 130 pixels and a 650 pixel content area on the right side of the page.

To give the website owner contol of the text, colors and title area we replace the color hex codes with our own dynamic replacement strings. See The Full List of Replacement Strings for all the replacements codes available.

<body background="
!!BGIMAGE!!" text="!!TEXTCOLOR!!" link="!!LINKCOLOR!!" vlink="!!VLINKCOLOR!!" alink="!!ALINKCOLOR!!" >

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top" width="130">


<td valign="top" width="650"><center>




By replacing elements such as the title tags <title>Page Title</title> with our code !!TITLE!! each page can have its own title and meta tags controlled by the website owner through the online site builder. Rather than building meta tags on hundreds of static pages or using the same tags throughout the site, this simple replacement system gives the site owner full control of each page.

Of course there are elements you wont want to allow the owner to change. For example if you have images integrated into the design such as the background, you wont want to allow that to be changed. So you don't replace the image source with our dynamic replacement string. You can use as many of as few of the varriables as you like. However, the site owner is going to want as much control of the website as possible.

If you decide not to allow the template to have a dynamic menu, then the site owner will not be able to add pages or rename pages on the main menu. They will likely blame you for either not doing it right or not knowing what you are doing.

The idea of dynamic templates is to allow the site owner flexibility in their website. If you don't buld in as much flexibility as they require, the website may not do what they need it to do.

Of course we have shown a very simple design. As a developer, the sky is the limit when it comes to html code. In the sample above we show a basic layout with no graphics. Most custom designs will have some images and those images will be uploaded to /images/custom/custom-000.

The custom-000 is the default directory for user built templates. All image files will reside in that directory and should be coded into the HTML with the full path or the exact url.

<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/sample.jpg">
<img src="">

In a slightly more advanced set up we can include a table of sliced images making up the top segment of the page.

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_01.jpg" width=42 height=100></td>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_02.jpg" width=65 height=100></td>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_03.jpg" width=64 height=100></td>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_04.jpg" width=68 height=100></td>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_05.jpg" width=462 height=100></td>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_06.jpg" width=74 height=100></td>

You will notice top_05.jpg is considerably larger than the other images. That is a blank area that we will include as a varriable area refered to as the "Title Space". By renaming top_05.jpg to titlespace.jpg and replacing the top_05.jpg in the HTML code with !!BUSINESSLOGO!! you can make that image dynamic.

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_01.jpg" width=42 height=100></td>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_02.jpg" width=65 height=100></td>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_03.jpg" width=64 height=100></td>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_04.jpg" width=68 height=100></td>
<img src="!!BUSINESSLOGO!!" width=462 height=100></td>
<img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_06.jpg" width=74 height=100></td>

This sample will use the titlespace.jpg as the default image but will replace it with any customer modified or uploaded image.

As a designer you can build a template but allow the website owner the ability to modify a single graphic in their template. This allows for changes of business names, phone numbers or e-mail addresses or other details that may be part of the graphics on the page.

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