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Setting up a Posting Board or Blog

The system allows you to run a posting borad that can be included in any page. Simply type %%include-blog%% into any page when you are editing it. Once you save the page, the text you typed in will be replaced with a fully functional posting board.

The board is an open board, so you will need to watch for abuse and spammers. However, posters are limited to 4 posts in a 24 hour period to prevent someone from filling up your board.

The board is also limited to the last 200 comments, so older comments will be rotated out as new messages are posted.

Urls will be automatically linked if you type in the complete url. Such as

Words and urls are limited to 80 characters in length to keep the page from going out of wack or being stretched out past your template.

This is a simple format, but has proved to be very effective on many of our sites. Allows for discussions of topics or events and makes your site much more dynamic and interesting to visitors.

Editing Posts

You can not edit comments posted. However, you can remove them. Simply click on the "Program Manager" icon at the top of any management page. Then look for the links to edit your messageboard or blog.

All the current messages will be displayed with a checkbox allowing you to delete any unwanted comments.

Submitting the form will remove all of the comments you have included for removal.

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