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Building Custom Templates

Our system uses templates to assemble pages in real time. Standard websites are built one page at a time, while our system builds the pages from parts as they are viewed. This allows you to build one template and update the entire website with one click.

To build a template you need to have an understanding of building web pages using any standard web page editor. You will need to understand the components of a page and where those components are located or the paths to the images and files. If you don't know how to build a static page you won't understand taking the next step to making that static page a dynamic teplate.

Each template will be unique and will have to allow room for the features being used on your website. If you are using the shopping cart browse, used car dealer gallery, forums, guestbook or other dynamic features you will need a main content area of at least 600 pixels otherwise the area will expand beyound the space you have allowed. The same is true for any pictures you have in the pages, the template needs to allow for all the paramaters on all the pages of the website. If you build pages, you already understand that, but for those of you buying commercial templates you will need to use a template that fits your websites spacial needs.

Custom Template Basics

Converting your template for use on our system is relatively simple. You are only required to add one element to the page. We use a replacement string designated by !!MAINCONTENT!! that will be typed into the template in the exact location you want the main content to appear. When a page is accessed by a visitor, that string will be removed from the template and replaced with the actual page content.

First build the main page using your favorite page editor just like on any other webite.

Once you have completed the design, you will need to add in the replacement codes that will allow the system to add in dynamic elements like buttons, text and e-commerce functions. The only required string is for the main content, so in this basic outline we will only show that single element and leave the other elements for the more advanced instructions.In the lower right of our example the main content area is filled with sample text. You will need to remove that and add in the text !!MAINCONTENT!! as displayed below.

Setting The Image Paths

Now you will need to update the image paths in the source code. Most templates are either built with a relative path like ./images or images that reside in the same directory as the template. Every desiger knows that that only works for the design and that websites with multiple directories require an exact image url or a realative path from the main directory.

Since we have advanced as well as inexperienced webmasters, fo the sake of simplicity we will use the full urls of the images.

All template images will be loaded into /images/custom/custom-000 so the urls will be with the domain and image names replaced accordingly.

in our case we use a background image so our main body tag looks like this:

<body background = "bg-orange.jpg">

We will change the local image path to the full url on the website.

<body background = "">

Follow that same format for all of the images in your template so all image tags will work on the webiste. Of course you will need to make sure all links and form posts also point to the correct pages and urls. Remember that the internet is case sensitive, so be careful with upper and lower case letters. Also, never use spaces in file names or page names.

Uploading The Template HTML Code and Images

The next step will be to install the template code in your website.From the management console
> Click on Page Properies
> Click on Build Custom Templates Edit / Upload Template

There will be 4 links on the page. To upload the html, upload images, upload the thumbnail and to view the template. Start with the image upload.You can upload 10 images at one time and up to 100 images total with a combined max size limit of 1MB.

The images must be named without spaces, alpha numeric characters only and names must be 25 characters or less not including the file extension. This is the same as any other image upload, except it will not modify the images size or file names keeping your work intact and unaltered.

After uploading the images you will need to upload the HTML. This step is not an upload but a simple copy and paste of the source code into a form. This allows you to edit the template in real time on the website for the final tweaks.

The "View Template" lin2 will allow you to view the actual template as it appears on the website. If all of the work you have done is correct it will all be as you expect it. You can view the actual page and see if any of the images are missing, or the code needs to be adjusted.

Once you have completed your final adjustments you should take a screen cap of the template, resize it to approxaately 200 pixels wide and 150 high, although there are no size limits. If you don't know how to do this, you can use a generic image (click here for a blank image).

Now upload the thumbnail using the upload Thumbnail link. This will add your custom template to the choices in the main template gallery and allow the site owner to change to the custom design.

Your Finished with the Basics

That is all there is to it. You have installed a completely custom design. Unfortunately, we only replaced the main content area, so the site owner does not have the ability to alter buttons, modify backgrounds or the main title space.

If you want to build a completely dynamic template continue to Building Dynamic Templates.

main sitebuilder help editing web pages adding photos to web pages adding programs to web pages managing email managing your shopping crt used car dealer tools building custom templates advanced webmaster tools