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Template Replacement Strings

The system provides some of the component parts for your design. More specifically the dynamic parts of the page. With most DHTML systems most of the template is static. But our system is much more dynamic allowing the end user more control of the page. The dynamic components of the page are designated by a unique string in the HTML that is replaced by the actual values defined by the site owner. The components and replacement strings are as follows.

Replacement Strings:

!!TITLE!! - Title and MetaTags are generated from a database and inserted into the page. This allows unique page titles and metatags on every page while using a single design.

!!BGIMAGE!! - Background image

!!BGCOLOR!! - Background Color

!!TEXTCOLOR!! - Main Text Color

!!LINKCOLOR!! - Regular Link Color

!!VLINKCOLOR!! - Visited Link Color

!!ALINKCOLOR!! - Active Link Color

!!FONTFACE!! - The font face set by the site owner.

!!BUSINESSLOGO!! - Each template uses a titlespace area that can be customized by the end user. This area is designated to allow the site owner some flexibility in the graphics. Can be used for any changeable component of a full graphic area in the page.

!!COPYRIGHT!! - If added to the template the copyright will not be automatically added added in the main content area but where ever this string exists. Allows for css formatting of copyright message.

!!MAINTABLECOLOR!! - (deprecated in new layouts) The main table color is normally associated with the main body of the page. With screen resolutions reaching from New York to California it is common to create a single table to bind the design. If you want to allow the end user the ability to change that color, use maintablecolor. However, the value can be used in almost ny table location, as long as the end user is aware that the configuration will change other areas of your template.

Menu Strings for Dynamic Menus

!!MAINMENU!! - A basic verticle stack of buttons. The only seperator is a paragraph <p> between each image or text link. Text links are the default if no images are present in the button folder. This format can be used on the left or right side of the page.

!!MAINMENU2!! - A horizontal string of images or text seperated by spaces. This format is normally used on the top or bottom of a page. Buttons will wrap if page is too short to fit images.

!!MAINMENU3!! - A verticle stack of buttons where each button is its own paragraph <p>. If text, the text is bold.

!!MAINMENU4!! - A verticle stack of buttons where each button is seperated by a line break <br>.

!!MAINMENU5!! - Text only menu in bulleted list format with a class=mainmenu for css formatting.

!!MAINMENU6!! - Text only menu in bulleted list format with a class=altmainmenu for css to be used as an alternately formatted menu for a separate area in the page.

!!MAINMENU7!! - Text only menu in bulleted list format with a no class or id for css, can be contained in a wrapper to inherit wrapper atributes. Links wrap a span for extra formatting and the links also contain an id=current when on the current html page.

!!MAINMENULIO!! - Main menu list without the <UL></UL> tags. Only the <li>pagename</li> tags are delivered, so the user can name the list as necessary for the menu.

!!MAINCONTENT!! - The most important string and the only required string. This will be where the main page body and programing will be inserted. Without this string, the system has noplace to add the page text.

Shopping Cart Categories - The store categories can also be listed in the main menu in alphabetical order using the replacemnet strings below.

!!CARTMENU0!! - Text menu separated by spaces and | character for horizontal menu.

!!CARTMENU1!! - Text menu separated with list tags <li>Category Name</li> with a class=cartmenu for css formatting.

!!CARTMENU2!! - Text menu separated by spaces for horizontal menu.

!!CARTMENU3!! - Text menu separated by line breaks <br> for tight vertical menu.

!!CARTMENU4!! - Text only menu in bulleted list format with a no class or id for css, can be contained in a wrapper to inherit wrapper atributes. Links wrap a span for extra formatting.

!!CARTMENULIO!! - Cart menu list without the <UL></UL> tags. Only the <li>pagename</li> tags are delivered, so the user can name the list as necessary for the menu.

Custom Includes

You can add additional elements or code by adding them to a custom includes file and adding a modified string to the html. Just replace the %% normaly used with the custom includes with !!. This allows multiple files to be added to any template.

For example: %%custominc-name_of_file%%
Becomes: !!custominc-name_of_file!!
when used in the template rather than in the regular pages. Unlike the pages, the template supports multiple include files, however, each string must be on a seperate line.

Header & Footer File Includes

The "Page Properties" page has fields for a Header and Footer which are inserted into the page above and below the main contnet. If those fields are set in the template then they will be placed at that point in the template and not in the default position. This is an easier tool for users to find than using the custom includes and essentally works the same way. The header replacemnet string must be used before the !!MAINCONTENT!! string and the footer replacemnet string must be used after.

To add either of the files to the template use:
!!HEADERFILE!! - for the header file
- for the footer file


To see samples of the usage of the strings in a template read Building Dynamic Templates.

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