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Building A Sample Template

We will take you step by step the process to build a basic template and install it in your website. At the end of this tutorial you can download the files for the template we have explained. You can install them in your website and see how the process works.

Step #1 Building The page.

For our sample we have built an image of the page using photoshop and then slicing the image into pices using Adobe Image Ready. Then using our WYSIWYG editor we format the pices into our basic HTML page.

This is really beyond the scope of this document since we are assuming you already know how to build a web page from scratch.

We need to add 2 items to the main WYSIWYG page. The main content string and the main menu string. These can be added right into the regular editor. Here we have blown up the area so you can see it clearly.

Step # 2 Editing The HTML

We need to adjust the paths in our html file to work on the website, since the paths will be different than on our home computer.

The images will be uploaded to /images/custom/custom-000 and they will retain the same names as in our current file.

So we can understand the code we have renamed our images bg.gif for the main background, tablebg.gif for the main table background, tablebottom.gif for the bottom of the main page and the top images are top....

The last image on the top will be where we will allow the site owner to modify the space to add their name and logo. So that images has been named titlespace.gif which will make it dynamic.

Now switching our web editor to HTML or using any text editor we can edit the source code.

Since it is very difficult to see the text on a thumbnail, we will post it here in plain text. The full source code for the page looks like this.



<title>Sample Template</title>

<body background="bg.gif" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"
link="#0000FF" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000" topmargin="0"
<div align="center"><center>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td><img src="top_01.gif" width="118"
<td><img src="top_02.gif" width="146"
<td><img src="top_03.gif" width="124"
<td><img src="titlespace.gif" width="356"
<td><div align="center"><center><table border="0"
cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" width="738">
<td align="center">!!MAINMENU!!<p>!!MAINCONTENT!!</p>
<td><img src="tablebottom.gif" width="744" height="9"></td>

<p align="center"><em>© 2008</em></p>

Rather than outlining the entire document changes we will show only the main table with the title space. You should be able to understand the concept without showing every change.

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td><img src="
top_01.gif" width="118"
<td><img src="
top_02.gif" width="146"
<td><img src="
top_03.gif" width="124"
<td><img src="
titlespace.gif" width="356"

We need to change the image paths on all the images except the titlespace which we want to be dynamic. The images will all be in /images/custom/custom-000, so we adjust the code below accordingly.

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td><img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_01.gif" width="118"
<td><img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_02.gif" width="146"
<td><img src="/images/custom/custom-000/top_03.gif" width="124"
<td><img src="!!BUSINESSLOGO!!" width="356"

You will notice we replaced titlespace.gif with the replacement string !!BUSINESSLOGO!! which will allow the site owner to modify a copy of that image. The image in the template will remain intact and will only be used if the site owner does not provided a modified image in the regular site builder.

If we want the site owner to be able to alter the link colors and text colors we will need to replace those values also. when we built the page with our editor we set the values as:

<body background="bg.gif" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"
link="#0000FF" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000" topmargin="0"

We will take out the hex codes and replace them with our own replacement strings.

<body background="bg.gif" bgcolor="!!BGCOLOR!!" text="!!TEXTCOLOR!!"
link="!!LINKCOLOR!!" vlink="!!VLINKCOLOR!!" alink="!!ALINKCOLOR!!" topmargin="0"

That will give the site owner the ability to change those values from their manahement console.

Our template is now complete and ready to load on the website.

Step #3 Uploading Files

We will need one additional file for the upload. A simple screen capture of the finished page. This thumbnail about 200x150 pixels will be added to the main gallery of themed templates. We have included one in the sample download but if you re buuilding your own you will need to make a thumbnail or use a place holder image with a note on it.

The next step will be to install the template code in your website. From the management console
> Click on Page Properies
> Click on Build Custom Templates Edit / Upload Template

There will be 4 links on the page. To upload the html, upload images, upload the thumbnail and to view the template. Start with the image upload. You can upload 10 images at one time and up to 100 images total with a combined max size limit of 1MB.

That is prety self explanitory, just upload all the jpg and gif files into the directory for the custom template. All the files that are in the directory will be listed on the page. Check your files against the list and make sure all the files are persent and the names are the same.

Note: Sometimes when tranfering files from windows to unix the file names are altered by the windows client. Windows is not cases sensitive so it has a nasty habit of changing files names to upper or lower case. While that type of sloppy file management works for windows, it is totally unacceptable on the intenet and wont work on a website. So make sure your computer did not do nasty things to yor file names.

Next we need to install the HTML. We have already made all the changes and all we need to do is copy and paste the text into the form on the website management page.

We use the copy and paste because it will allow you to view and edit the HTML in real time from one location.Once you have added the HTML you can click on the View Template link. This will show you how the template will appear on the website. If all the images are not showing or there are some errors, then continue to edit the HTML. If it all looks good, then upload the thumbnail to the template gallery.

You are DONE!

to change the website to the template you have uploaded, just go to

> Page Properties
> Choose Themed Template

You will see your thumbnail on the top of the main page. Click the change template button and your website is now using its own custom template.

You can download and install the template we show in this tutorial

Download The Zip File

main sitebuilder help editing web pages adding photos to web pages adding programs to web pages managing email managing your shopping crt used car dealer tools building custom templates advanced webmaster tools