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Building Feedback Forms

The system allows you to build 1 feedback page using the simple format and form builder. You can however add as many forms as you need using the advanced method shown below.


Simple FORM Setup: just type the inclusion code: %%include-feedback%% and the form will be included in your page.

To build the actual form click the link in the main management page or [Click Here].


Advanced Form Setup using HTML:

The feedback program will take the data from any form and e-mail you the results. If you are familiar with HTML you can build extensive forms for any application. Just edit the HTML in your page and post the form to the "/programs/feedback.cgi".

The basic form is shown below:

<form action="/programs/feedback.cgi" method="POST">

Your Text <input type="text" size="25" name="Your Field Name" value="">

<img src="/programs/captcha.cgi" border="1">

Verify Image Code:<input type="text" size="10" name="verifytext" value="">

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></form>

You must include the bold type lines lines in your own form. The center line can be replaced with any defined form field. The field will be returned in the form with the value for "name" and the value for "value".

The resulting e-mail sent to you would have a line:
Your Field Name: (this would be whatever the person enters in the text box)

If you define the value as in hidden fields, you will have a reference to the actual form and where it came from. For example <input type="hidden" name="Form From" value="The Page or Question">

The resulting e-mail sent to you would have a line:
Form From: The Page or Question

Redirects - The form builder allows you to redirect the user after the form is completed. Any additional forms will use the same redirect url unless they are defined in the form. To use multiple forms with different redirect urls add the following field. Make sure the redirecturl is the full url with the https:// and the domain name.

<input type="hidden" name="redirecturl" value="https://yourdomain/yourpage.html">

Helpful Hints

Copy The Form Builder. If you are not familiar with form set up using HTML, you can build the form using the simple option shown at the top of the page. Then copy the form code from the finished page you built and paste it into any other page.

Use Friendly Field Names. Since the feedback program is set up to accept all incomming form fields, there is no way to organize the fields in the e-mail. So e-mails will not have aspecific order that info will be listed. Because of that, you should have each field named something that you understand. Such as "Street Address". Do not use programing shortcuts such as "s_a" (an abreviation for street address) as the form field name, since you will have to decifer the e-mails coming in. It will be easier for the end user if the names are end user friendly.

System Limits. The user is limited to 15 form submissions in any 24 hour period. This helps prevent people from spamming your e-mail box and forcing you to read all the forms to find real data. The number is set high for clients using multiple forms but low enough to prevent excessive abuse.

We have added am image verification system. The user must enter the text that appears on the image. This will help prevent automated submissions. If you are adding the form fields to regular pages, the images may not update adequately on all browsers. Using the standard feedback program will solve that problem.

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