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Why are there only 5 text fonts on the editor?

To understand limitations you need to know how HTML or Webpages work.

  1. A webmaster builds a page and loads it on a webserver.

  2. A computer contacts the webserver and requests a page.

  3. The computer is sent the HTML code, which is a blueprint to build the page.

  4. The computer then request the parts of the page as defined in the HTML, such as images, sound or other video.

  5. Those files are downloaded and stored in a cache or temporary folder.

  6. Then the computer attempts to build the page for the user using the downloaded parts.

  7. If parts are missing or corrupt, the page will not be complete.

NOW! What does that have to do with fonts?

When you request a webpage your computer builds the webpage using the software in your computer. If the website uses a font like "Super Duper Crazy Font", your computer would need to have that font installed or the page could appear blank.

Even though you may have built the page on your computer and it looks great, because you have the font installed on your computer, the next guy may not have that font and he sees nothing when going to the page.

Although there are thousands of fonts available, you are limited to only the fonts that are standard in every computer, that is, if you want everyone to see the page. For that reason we limit the fonts to:

Times New Roman
Comic Sans MS

So how can you use other fonts on the pages. You have no doubt seen many websites that use other fonts.

This is done by creating images, such as butons or title spaces. You can use images containing text anywhere on your pages. For example:

Below are 2 sentances. One is in plain html text, the other is a gif image using the pupcat font. Since you do not have that font on your computer, you see the first sentance in the default font, times new roman. But the second sample looks just like plain text in the page.
Sample Sentance using the pupcat font

This is the way you can achive the look you want and incorporate the font you desire.

It is a very simple sample, but web pages can be as complex as your ability can conceive. Such as rotating fonts or images in different directions as shown at the right.

Ok, that makes it harder to get cool looking text. But don't blame us, we did not invent HTML. Everyone is bound by the rules if they want their pages to work.

There are over 20,000 fonts in the management console that can be downloaded and used in your computer to create text images, titles buttons etc.

But, in plain typed text, you are limited to the 5 standard fonts.


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