Discussion Forum
Adding forum to a page:
use the inclusion code %%include-forum%%
Members / Users:
Users must register by e-mail. This validates that at least the e-mail
provided is accurate. Due to the heavy use of spam filters,
authorizations may not get to the user. In this insatnce you can
activate users manually from your management console.
If users forget their username
or password they can have it e-mailed to themselves via the link
on the login page.
Signups are limited to 1 per e-mail
address. This allows you to ban users and prevent them from
creating a new account.
Linking Urls:
When post are made, any urls provided will be automatically
linked to the website. There is no code to use, but the entire
url must be used. For example https://mywebsite.com will link to the website but mywebsite.com will not.
HTML Mode: HTML is not
enabled in posts. In most cases this only allows for spam and
inserting images from outside websites and implicating your
website in hot linking schemes. It also prevents skewing of your
pages by posters.
Color Settings: The forum
allows for colors in the tables seperating the messages. Use the
same colors if you want the look to appear as a list without any
Creating Categories: You
can add upto 25 main topics. This gives you the ability to have
multiple discussions about different subjects.
Category Descriptions:
Each catagory can have a short description that is displayed on
the main page. The description allows readers a more detailed
idea of what they can discuss in that category.
Removing Posts: Posts are
based on new messages. If you delete the main message, all
replies will also be deleted. Or you can delete any individual
replies. Additionally you can delete an entire category, removing
all the posts in that category.
Editing Messages: The messages can only be
edited by the site owner once they are posted. This prevents
angry uers from deleting all their posts or going back and
changing messages to spam. Although allowing users to edit
messages is a nice feature, it tends to cause more problems than
it solves.
The forum is simplified to make it easy to
use and participate. It also lacks features such as traffic
details and page views. As small sites do not wish to show how
infrequently pages are viewed.
There is no contact within the board for
private messages or e-mail. These features were left out to
minimize spam. People can post their e-mail addresses in the
messages if they need that ability. There is no filter to remove
Since there is no message filter, the site
owner will be responsible tor managing content. If you do not
like what people are posting, ban them and remove the posts.
There is no way to automate message editing.
The hardest part about running a forum is
babysitting the users. If you get any reasonable number of users,
you will get some bad apples. If you use this program, you will
find out quicly how mean people can be when they are hiding
behind a computer terminal.