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Inclusion Codes Explained

Inclusion Code - This is what we call the strange looking series of letters you use to include programs in your pages. These simple text strings use 2 percentage signs followed by the program name and again by 2 percentage signs.

For example:
You will see things like %%include-program_name%% which will include a program with the name "program_name" in the page where you type this code.

This process simplifies your job to add dynamic features such as the Blog, Shopping Cart, Car dealer Galleries, Photogalleries, Calendar or hundreds of other programs to your pages.

Just by typing the Inclusion Code into the text of any page.

The Term: Inclusion Code, is just a scarry name for a simple and easy to use system, but we have to call it something. after all. So we used theterm, Inclusion Code as in, including code in the page.

Each program that is available has its own code to add it to a page. Those codes are provied on the configuration page for each program. At one time we had a master list, but as we have eveloved, there are countless codes, programs and now you can even create custom codes by naming sideshows, forms and other features.

In every case, codes use the format of %%something-something%%.


Correct code: %%include-calendar%%
Wrong Code: %%Include-Calendar%%
notice the capitalization in the second example. This will prevent the code from working and generate an error in your page rather than displaying the working page. Make sure you copy and paste the codes or type them in exactly as they are provided.

Don't Make Up Codes!

Many people type in codes expecting the page to work.

For example %%include-contact page%%.

This is WRONG! You can only use codes that coorespond to actual programs. This is just a replacement system where our program replaces your code with the program output. You cannot make up programs that you want to have. If there is no program to match the code, the code will appear in the page as you typed it.

Only add codes that you have found in the managemnet section that are attached to a program.

Please watch the video above to see how to add inclusions codes to pages and how programs will appear in pages when added.

It is a simple system that lets you add any program to any page. This is quite a bit easier than trying to uderstand dynamic urls and linking navigation menus to programs.

>Just add a page
> Type the inclusion code in the page
> Save the page

That is all it takes to add a shopping cart, classified program, photo gallery or any other program to a page.

main sitebuilder help editing web pages adding photos to web pages adding programs to web pages managing email managing your shopping crt used car dealer tools building custom templates advanced webmaster tools