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User Defined Options

If you would like to add an option to a product that will allow the buyer to add some type of custom data such as an engraved name, special sizes or instructions and details that cannot be preset in the predefined options, you can add 2 fields that accept up to 200 characters each.

The characters are limited to letters and numbers on a single line. Characters such as ' " <> are removed so that they will not interfere with the checkout process and email receipts. If you are customizing any product, you should always contact the buyer to verify that the text is in fact what they wanted.

To include this form you will need to select this option in the set forms page. Check the boxes under the heading "Customer Entered Options". As you add new items or modify current items the extra field will be available in the page. You must enter the title or the form will not appear on the product display page.

Each item can be modified to allow up to 200 characters. If you have one products that only allows 20 characters and another that allows 50, each can have their own limits preventing buyers from adding more letters than you can fit on the product.

The title or name can also be adjusted, in one case it can be used for engraving a product and another it can be the name added to a card for a gift or extra instructions or notes.

Additionally, you can add a cost to the option just like other options as well as ad extra weight if the option will impact the shipping weight. If the buyer adds in that field, the extra cost for the engraving or embroidery or shipping will be added without requiring the user to select that option.

Settings - The form allow you to set the following options.

Title: The description or title for the text box.

Field Length: The number of characters wide the default text box will display. This is for design and appearance so you should keep the size in line with the other elements of the page or the size that you allow for the option.

Max Characters: The maximum number of characters that can be entered into the text box. If you need to limit an engraving or printing to 20 characters, set this value to the maximum number for that option.

Extra Weight: If the option will increase the shipping weight, add the number of pounds.

Extra cost: If you are charging an extra fee, this amount will be added if any text is entered into the text box. The price will not be displayed, so if you are charging extra, you will need to disclose that in the item description or the Title.

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