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Answer to: How do you currently charge for shipping? I charge a few different flat rates.

You can create up to 5 flat rate values. You will specify the name and cost of the option. The system will not do any calculations at check out. These are the values you type in and they will be used in addition to any other options you selected. For example, you could type in Flat Rate Postal Box for 8.95, Local Delivery for 5.00, or Canada for 10.00.

These flat rate options are also good if you want to ship internationally.

To Set Up Flat Rate Shipping:
> Click on the Shopping Cart icon at the top
> Scroll down to the Shipping Options section
> Click on the Set Shipping Charges link
> Scroll down to the Flat Rate Values section and type in the name of the options and the prices. Note: when entering prices, you do not enter the $ sign
> Click on the Update Shipping button at the bottom to save your changes
> Click on the Website Home icon and double check your settings

On your website, your customer will have a choice for the shipping. But, the default price listed will be the first option you have. So, for example, on an order using the flat rate values above, the default price will be $5.00 because the first option is USPS Ground and the cost is $5.00. This means that you should list whatever you want to be the default rate first.

Note: You can use Flat Rate Shipping in combination with other shipping options such as USPS, UPS, FedEx, In store pick up, International rate table, etc.

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