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Building Tables Help

This set of pages will show you what tables are and how to build them. Included are copy and paste ready tables and a table code generator for more advanced table building.

Building Tables Basics - The basics of what a table is and some simple samples of how they can divide your pages into sections.

Hints to Table Building & Coding - some basic HTML to help you understand how tables are set up at the coding level.

Copy & Paste Ready Tables - This page is full of tables you can copy and paste right into the editor without using the HTML.

Copy & Paste Table Generator - This table generator will build tables easily that you can copy and paste right into the editor without using the HTML source. It will also give you the HTML if you prefer to work the code once the table is generated.

Table Code Generator - This program will allow you to set the table properties and get the HTML code that can be pasted into your WYSIWYG editor.

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