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Choosing a template - To choose a template, simply click on the "Choose Themed Template" link in the main management page. You will see thumbnails of hundreds of designs and colors. When you see the one you want, just click the "Change Template" button and you site is now updated.

Customize the Template (add logo or company name)

There are several hundred templates for your use. Each has a titlespace or blank area that can be customized using an image editor.

Simply click on the link to "Modify Title Graphic" and you will see the original image for your template. Remember each template has a different titlespace that fits that design. So choose your template first.

Now save the original image to your computer. Add text or a logo to the image, save it and upload it using the upload form on the same page.

Your new titlespace will replace the old blank space. If you delete your image, the default blank space will be used.

This system allows you to use a profesionally designed template and just add your logo or name. The templates range in themes and colors.


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