How do I
Refresh my page?
By default, browsers save information. This
function is called cache. Browsers cache this information to make
browsing the web faster for you. As part of this process,
browsers do not retrieve information from the website every time
you go to the website. So, if you are working on your website and
you just replaced a picture, you may still see the old picture on
your website. "Refreshing" your page or "Reloading"
your page tells your browser that there is a change and that the
browser should check for that change.
How you refresh or reload depends on the
browser you use. Most browsers have a refresh icon at the top.
You have to find and click on that icon. The icon generally looks
like two arrows following each other similar to a recycle sign or
one arrow following itself. See below for a few examples.
Note: If after
refreshing your page you still do not see the image, then you may
need to clear your cache.
Internet Explorer 8.0

Other Versions of Internet Explorer

SBC Yahoo and/or AT&T Yahoo

Mozilla Firefox
