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Changing Text: Spacing, Style, Font, and Size


You typed your text. Now, you want to make it easier to read by putting in line breaks (or paragraph breaks), colors, and maybe centering the text. The text I had on the previous page was one big block. To put line breaks or paragraph breaks, just do what you normally do when you want a break: press enter (or return).

Style, Font, and Size

The options at the top of the editor screen are: Style, Font, and Size. Style allows you to change the style of the text - the default is paragraph. Font allows you to change the font of the text. You will notice that there are only five options: Arial, Courier New, Times New Roman, Verdana and Comic Sans MS. This is because there are the only fonts that you can expect every computer to have. We want to ensure that your website will appear exactly the same on every person's computer and using standard font is critical. The last option is size. You can use Size to change the size (how big or small) of the text.

To use any of the options, just click on the little arrow next to the option and the choices will appear. Highlight the text that you want to make the change to, then click on the arrow and make your choice. If you do not highlight the text, then there will be no change.

Below is how I changed my text - the 1st paragraph uses the Style option (I used Heading 3), the second paragraph has a different Font (I used Arial) and the third paragraph has a different Size (I used 5):

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