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Multi Level Menu Colors & Settings

Note: This feature uses CSS and JavaScript. As discussed on other pages, JavaScript is not supported by all browsers. Similarly, CSS is not supported by all browsers. Internet Explorer, in particular, has some issues with CSS. If you use this feature, you MUST stay up to date on the latest browser issues so that you can add in patches as necessary. We try to do this for you as much as we can, but we cannot catch everything. It is your responsibility to keep tabs on updates to browser technology if you are going to use advanced features.

Keep in mind also, that, even if this menu works, it may stop working after you add in additional JavaScript. That is, if your menu works but then you add Google AdWords or some other program that provides you with JavaScript code, there may be interference between your menu and that code. When you make changes, make sure that you double check your work for possible conflicts. You will know there is a conflict because, usually, the result is that the menu does not come up anymore.

We are not telling you this to discourage you from using this feature. In fact, we have many customers that use this feature successfully. But you should know in advance the kinds of problems you may encounter.

Selecting the Multi Level Menu Colors and Settings is the FIRST step in creating the multi-level menu. This part is not complicated but notice that you must specify everything. All you need to do is go through and pick settings for everything requested: Menu Alignment (vertical or horizontal), Button Width, Button Colors, Button Text Colors, Button Border, Font Type, Font Size, and Menu Alignment within the table of the menu (left, right or center).

This menu is best used with the Page Layouts (Basic or Advanced) rather than the templates because the templates have premade buttons that match the template. You cannot use those buttons with this menu because this menu is using CSS. If you use a template and then use a text based menu, it just makes your website look strange and messy. This problem is best avoided by not using a template.

Menu Alignment: The menu can be aligned vertically or horizontally.

  • Horizontal (left to right) - should be used if your buttons are going across the page rather than up and down
  • Vertical (up and down) - should be used if your buttons are going up and down rather than across

Note: the sub menu (or flyout menu) comes out ONLY when someone puts their mouse over the button. Both of the screen captures were taken when the mouse was over the Policies button.

Button Width: You need to define the button width. The standard button width is 120 pixels wide. You should pick the settings that will work best for you based the size of your page names.

  • Main Button Width: this is the size of your main button. In the example above, this includes the Home, Policies, and Online Store buttons.
  • Sub Level Button Width: this is the size of your sub level button. In the example above, this included Shipping and Returns.

Note that in the example above, the main level button and the sub level button are the same width. They do not need to be the same width - you can select the size that will work for you.

Button Colors: You need to define the colors for each button: the main button and the sub level button. You also need to pick colors for the color the button will be when someone puts their mouse over the button.

To pick a color, click on the Pick Color link and you will see the color chart pop out. You can also type in the hexadecimal code into the box (make sure to include the # symbol in front of the code).

Button Text Colors: You need to define the text colors for each button: the main text and the sub level text. You also need to pick colors for the color the text will be when someone puts their mouse over the button. You can have the same color for everything or different colors. Generally, having color consistency is easiest on people's eyes.

Button Border: Select the size of the border around each button. The border width is normally between 1 and 5 with the higher number being larger. The color can be same as the background, left blank for spacing with no color or set to any color you want.

Font Type: These are text buttons. This means that you can only use the five standard fonts. You can read more about why here.

Font Size: This is the point size of the font on the menu. Normal web fonts are between 10 and 16 with the lower number being smaller and the higher number being larger. You can, however, use any number between 1 and 99.

Menu Alignment: This menu alignment refers to the menu spacing within the table (unlike the menu alignment at the top, which refers to the menu spacing on the entire page). You can align the menu Left, Center and Right.

When you select your settings, click on the Update Button.

Note: You are not done yet. You now must Build the New Menu Tree.

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